What this workflow does: Identify your US website visitors, and immediately send you their email, LinkedIn & mobile phone number.
Why it's useful: Cold calling is one, if not the most effective cold outreach method.
A rule of thumb that usually applies: The warmer the lead, the better to hit the phone.
Who is a warm lead for example? A website visitor.
0. Download the template
Download the template here: Template
(by clicking on the Download button)
1. Import the template
To copy the workflow template, download it here:
Then, import it to the Make scenario, which works as follows:
1. Click on ‘Create a new Scenario’
2. Once in the new scenario, click on the three dots ‘…’ on the bottom
3. Click on ‘Import Blueprint’, and upload the .json file from above
4. Once uploaded the .json file, the following workflow should appear